Some men may have a crazy idea: why not enlarge your penis? Is it possible to make it longer and thicker in general? At this point, open our material and find this useful educational article. We inform: yes, it is possible. But there are nuances.

Now a few sudden scientific discoveries: research regularly shows that many boys who are very concerned about the size of their devices actually have a completely normal size. Unfortunately - due to the availability of porn material - a very large cock is a common misconception that will bring more pleasure to a girlfriend. Big mistake. A 2017 study found that deep kissing, genital stimulation, and a combination of oral sex were more likely to cause a woman to orgasm.
What does this mean? Most likely, your penis is good. But if you want to increase, there are several options. Some are very expensive and / or painful, while others do not guarantee lasting results. We've put together dozens of penis enlargement methods available today and ranked them from the darkest to the most useful.
10. Insert the implant
James Elist Godo, a surgeon living in Los Angeles, claims to be the only person in the world to perform a special length and thickness augmentation operation using a silicone implant known as Penuma. Elist claims that the average length increases by 3. 8 centimeters and the circumference by 6 centimeters; and he has already installed 1, 300 of these implants. Cons: The operation costs $ 13, 000 and patients are at risk of infection or implant damage.
Dermatologist Jesse Chen adds: "The implant looks like a permanent erection and can simply prevent you from moving. " Imagine that you are going to run a steep cycle in a ready state. . .
9. Cut the ties
Some surgeons can perform a lengthening operation by cutting the ligaments of the genitals and allowing them to protrude slightly from the body. Of course, this is associated with serious risks: the formation of scar tissue, pain during erection, the same infections or, for example, loss of sensitivity (or even almost all function). In addition, it is expensive, and studies have found that the procedure adds about 1, 2 centimeters. Agree, this is not what patients expect.
Chen notes that after such a plastic surgery, it can be difficult to maintain an erection and generally penetrate where it is needed in certain positions.
8. Pour the oil
In this procedure, surgeons first perform liposuction, remove some of the patient's fat from another location, and then inject it into the affected area with a syringe. As a result, as noted by anxious researchers, it is possible to increase the length (less than 2. 5 cm), circumference (slightly more than 2. 5 cm) and, so to speak, the weight of the body. The main ambush is not forever, but over time your obese friend may shrink to its original size. In addition, as with any surgery, there are certain risks. Here's an example: A 30-year-old patient died after a penis enlargement operation because fat had somehow entered his lungs and stopped breathing.
7. Platelet-rich plasma (blood) is injected
A relatively new method: the procedure involves the removal of platelet-rich plasma and its injection into the penis, which should stimulate blood flow and, as a result, make the body larger.
"The classic protocol involves needles to pump blood mechanically for several weeks, which also lengthens the hanging ligaments to increase length and improve blood circulation, " Chen said. "Improved programs that add stem cells and exosomes are also very popular in my practice because they provide faster and more consistent improvements in function and size. "
However, there is currently not enough research to consider it a good long-term option.
6. Try jelqing
It is not known when Jelging first appeared, but it seems to have been used in ancient Arab civilization. What we do know is a certain hand stretching technique that many people try to increase the length and thickness of their penis.
"Most guides recommend waiting for an almost full erection. After that, you should apply a lubricant and hold the base of the penis firmly in the ring of the thumb and index finger. Squeeze the ring and move your hand along its entire length, as if" saves "it. hold and repeat. "
Can Jelg really enlarge his penis? Most medical experts say no, adding that it can even be as harmful as causing penile curvature. Grant Stoddard tried to jelqing selflessly for two weeks and found no change in size.
"It's easier to use a penis pump that really helps with circulation, " says Chen.
5. Navigate with the expander
Several devices have already been developed that men can wear under their clothes every day to gradually lengthen their penis and increase its length and / or circumference.
Some experts believe that these devices can work, and a very small study conducted in 2015 showed that the expander adds almost an inch and a half to the length of the penis. The same hero Stoddard tried an expander designed for men with Peyronie's disease (he didn't have it then). After using this device for almost a month, he found that its length increased by about 1. 2 centimeters.
However, Florida urologist Jamin Brambhatt says the potential for anxiety and scarring isn't worth it.
4. Inject fillers into the skin
Skin filler injections are another method that can increase the circumference by up to 2. 5 cm (when injected for a long time). This procedure is popular among Chen's patients because they "gain an instant increase in length and thickness. "
However, the effect is only temporary. "The longevity of fillers depends on how sexually active you are, because more mobility increases the metabolism of fillers. " Even if you stay a little longer after a year, you’ll probably want to touch it by then. "There are potential side effects, including swelling and bruising under the skin.
A boy who underwent this procedure was interviewed about another side effect - a change in shape (curvature):
"Despite Dr. Schaefer's advice to wait for sex, I probably started too early, too long, and too eagerly after the first injection. It happened before the filler was completely attached to the tissues of my penis. The bulge may not have been so great, but I felt something as I carefully examined my penis, which was about 42-43 years old.
Fortunately, the doctor was able to correct the form by injecting an additional needle at the next appointment.
3. Put on the hood (for sex)
They are sold in adult supply stores and are simply placed on the penis as a condom - only larger and usually made of silicone. Attachments were originally designed for medical purposes, but today many people also use them as sex toys. "They increase the thickness and length, and may have ribs or other reliefs on the outer or inner wall to stimulate both partners, " Chen said in an interview.
2. Shave your pub
If you don't want to lengthen or work on anything, there is one simple thing you can do to make your penis look bigger: shave your pubic hair. Think. When hidden by a sleeve of groin hair, it looks smaller than it appears in all its glory.
1. Lose weight
On the one hand, this is an optical illusion: the penis will look bigger if it is not hidden under the protruding abdomen or thighs. On the other hand, by getting rid of excess fat, you will have higher testosterone levels and improved blood flow, which can improve libido and help the penis become more full during an erection.